Debug Cmd Action in WCS

You can also query the database to find if all the pieces are there for the particular action. In the example above, check if the Action is defined. Remember to replace MyOrderItemAddCmd with whatever appears as the action in the isAllowed statement:
select distinct acrescgry_id from acrescgry 
where resclassname = 'com.yourcompany.MyOrderItemAddCmd'
If the action is in place, also make sure it is tied into an ActionGroup:
select distinct acresgrp_id from acresgpres where acrescgry_id in 
(select distinct acrescgry_id from acrescgry 
where resclassname = 'com.yourcompany.MyOrderItemAddCmd')
If the resource is in a ResourceGroup, check if a policy is using this ResourceGroup:
select acpolicy_id,policyname from acpolicy where acresgrp_id in 
(select acresgrp_id from acresgpres where acrescgry_id in 
(select acrescgry_id from acrescgry 
where resclassname = 'com.yourcompany.MyOrderItemAddCmd'))
Figure 3 shows the new resource along with its connection to the ResourceGroup, all the way up to the policy.
Figure 3. Policy to resource relationship chain
Figure 3. Policy to resource relationship chain


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