Debug View Action in WCS
You can also query the database to find if all the pieces are there for the particular action. In the example above, check first if the action is defined. Remember to replace the "MyNewView" with what appears as the action in the isAllowed statement:
select ACACTION_ID from ACACTION where ACTION = 'MyNewView'
Note: In the above query and all subsequent ones in this article, you must update the action and the resource to match those in your "isallowed?" statement. If the action is in place, make sure it is tied into an ActionGroup:
select acactgrp_id from acactactgp where acaction_id in (select ACACTION_ID from ACACTION where ACTION = 'MyNewView')
If the action is in an ActionGroup, check if a policy is using this ActionGroup:
select distinct acpolicy_id from acpolicy where acactgrp_id in (select acactgrp_id from acactactgp where acaction_id in (select ACACTION_ID from ACACTION where ACTION = 'MyNewView'))
Figure 2 portrays how the entries are arranged in the database, from the ACPOLICY table all the way down to the ACACTION table.
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