1. Make entry of your custom handler in at below path.


2. Create a Rest Handler by extending AbstractConfigBasedClassicHandler only when rest handler invokes a data bean or controller command and use below method to call the resource.






3. Create a Rest Handler by extending AbstractResourceHandler when the logic exist in rest handler, I mean when Rest Handler not using any Data Bean or Commands.

4. Create a Java class which extends AbstractConfigBasedClassicHandler or AbstractResourceHandler as per you need. Also set the @Path and 

@Description annotation.


@Description("This is a simple RESTful service")

public class ExMyHandler extends AbstractConfigBasedClassicHandler {






5. Override the getResourceName() method which returns the Resource Name :-


public String getResourceName() {



Note: Make sure the getResourceName() is not returning null. Other wise Swagger UI will fails. The resource name should be part of the rest handler path

6. Create a method to be called with the correct @Path , @Produces, @GET/@POST annotations. The return type should be Response type, refer below code snippet :-



@Description("Retrieve welcome message")


public Response getTestMessage(@QueryParam("name") String name) throws Exception {





You can also include @PathParam as well in the method definition. I just used QueryParam in the above example as the name will be passed as a query parameter.

7. Create a map with the response values. Please refer below code snippet :-

Map testMap= new HashMap();


testMap.put("welcomeMessage","Welcome " + name);

8. Generate the response object by calling the generateResponseFromHttpStatusCodeAndRespData() with the return type, response values(map) and http status (200 , if OK status). Please refer below code snippet :-

return generateResponseFromHttpStatusCodeAndRespData(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, map, httpStatus) ;

9. Restart the server.

10. Call the API using POSTMAN or Swagger UI or just browser (if it is GET)

URL: http://localhost/wcs/resource/api/test/welcomeMessage?name=Lokesh

Response will be like: -

Response :


"name": "Lokesh",

"welcomeMessage": "Welcome Lokesh"



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