1. Make entry of your custom handler in at below path. Rest\WebContent\WEB-INF\config\ 2. Create a Rest Handler by extending AbstractConfigBasedClassicHandler only when rest handler invokes a data bean or controller command and use below method to call the resource. executeConfigBasedBeanWithContext( RequisitionListDataBean.class.getName(), profileName, responseFormat, null); 3. Create a Rest Handler by extending AbstractResourceHandler when the logic exist in rest handler, I mean when Rest Handler not using any Data Bean or Commands. 4. Create a Java class which extends AbstractConfigBasedClassicHandler or AbstractResourceHandler as per you need. Also set the @Path and @Description annotation. @Path("api/test") @Description("This is a simple RESTful service") public class ExMyHandler extends AbstractConfigBasedClassicHandler { ..... ...... ........ .......... } 5. Override t...